Sector Group Update

The CDI Sector Group is still active but we are in the process of archiving this site. This post explains why and tells you how you can stay in touch with the Group’s activities.

Since the CDI Sector Group was reformed (back in the summer of 2013), we’ve worked hard to create a productive relationship with the LEP and to make sure that the needs of the sector are taken into account. We’re grateful to the many people who have given time to attend meetings and feed in to consultations.

The Group is still going strong and meeting about once a quarter (depending on what there is to discuss). Recently, we’ve been focusing on providing feedback into the LEP’s Growth Hub and Skills Bank plans. If you would like to be included on the email distribution list to receive notice of meetings and consultations, please email cdisectorgroup [at]

Towards the end of 2014, a number of people involved in the CDI Sector Group decided the time was ripe to create a stand-alone organisation to represent Sheffield’s digital industries. Sheffield Digital was formed in May 2015 – you can read more about it, and join the mailing list, on the organisation’s website.

Sheffield Digital is not replacing the CDI Sector Group – its remit is much wider and it is also mainly focused on the city, rather than the whole city region. However, many of the same people are involved and we expect that most of the same information will be shared.

As this site was created as an information sharing resource, it no longer makes sense to maintain it separately. So, we are archiving the site and would like to invite you to visit the Sheffield Digital website for the latest news and information.

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